
1st multilingual AI detector

In a world where AI-generated content becomes more and more dominant, it's important to distinguish between what a person writes and what a machine writes. With our advanced AI content checker, you can easily spot the difference.

See it in action

The AI detector is sophisticated technology based on an AI text classifier, designed to distinguish between human-generated content and AI-generated content. With the speedy evolution of artificial intelligence, it's getting pretty tough to figure out where a piece of writing actually comes from. We offer our AI checker solution to detect ChatGPT generated content as well as content generated by Bard and other AI technologies. We are constantly improving our algorithms to create the best AI detector in the AI text detection market. Let's give it a try!

Climate change refers to the long-term shift in global weather patterns caused by human activity, particularly the emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. The most significant greenhouse gas is carbon dioxide, which is primarily produced by burning fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and gas. The consequences of climate change are already visible in the form of rising temperatures, melting glaciers and ice caps, and more frequent extreme weather events such as hurricanes, droughts, and floods.
Ultimate care for privacy
Best-in-class AI detection
Instant AI content check
Use case

When AI checker is useful

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  • AI detector for essays and theses
  • AI checking for SEO needs
  • AI content detection in scientific research papers
  • AI text detection in CVs and motivational letters
  • Detection of generated content for books and publishing
  • AI detection for blog articles
Technology stack

What is inside our tech

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A set of tools helps develop and provide the AI text checking service. The AI detector uses machine learning, natural language processing, web development tools, and cloud services to ensure accurate checking and reliable detection of AI-generated content.


Beyond the words

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Our AI detection tool uses advanced machine learning algorithms to analyze various language and contextual aspects. It helps determine whether content was created by a person or an AI system, such as ChatGPT. By using a large database of patterns, our service accurately recognizes subtle differences indicating whether the content was created by a human or AI.

Innovative solutions

How does it work?

Our AI detector works by employing sophisticated algorithms and machine learning techniques to analyze and detect whether content is generated by humans or AI systems. Here's a high-level overview of how it operates.
Security and privacy

Total confidentiality

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We guarantee the full confidentiality of our clients. You can be safe and secure that nobody will know that you have ordered any services with our company.


Apie mus atsiliepia mūsų naudotojai

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Valerija Žiliūtė

2024 m. balandžio 20 d.

Patikrina puikiai, greitai ir tiksliai, rekomenduoju.
Agnė Šulcė

2024 m. balandžio 20 d.

Padėjo rašnt bakalauro baigiamąjį darbą, greita, tikslu, efektyvu!
Danielius Karakorskis

2024 m. balandžio 18 d.

rating visada man ir draugams padeda patikrinti rašto darbus ir išvengti nemalonumų. Tai įrankis, kuriuo rekomenduočiau naudotis kiekvienam studentui:-)
Rasa Kasiulytė

2024 m. balandžio 10 d.

Labai patogus ir patikimas būdas pasitikrinti plagiatą. Labai praverčia ir nauja patikra, kuri leidžia aptikti dirbtinį intelektą.
Ernesta Petraitytė

2024 m. balandžio 6 d.

Viskas gerai. Patikima programa, galima naudotis puikiai
Rokas Šakalis

2024 m. kovo 26 d.

Viskas veikia ir puikiai atliktos užduotys, nėra daugiau plagiato momentų
Karina Sadovskytė

2024 m. kovo 24 d.

geras ir patogus puslapis rašomiems studijų darbams. Pasitikrinus jaučiuosi saugiau ir drąsiau per darbu ginimus, kad darbas nebus atmestas.
Donatas Novickij

2024 m. kovo 18 d.

Puiki programa norint patikrinti savo darbą ne tik dėl grmatikos klaidų bet ir dėl plagijato.
Aistė Kotryna Špačkauskaitė

2024 m. kovo 12 d.

Viskas puiku. Labai greitai ir išsamiai
Dovydas Paslauskas

2024 m. kovo 11 d.

puikus vertinimas
Evelina Achramovič

2024 m. kovo 11 d.

viskas puiku, patenkinta esu patikra
Doman Tas

2024 m. kovo 10 d.

puikiai patikrinta
Simona Kovger

2024 m. kovo 7 d.

Atrodo neblogai
Daina Paliokaitė

2024 m. kovo 7 d.

Viskas tvarkoje :)
Dovydas Lebrikas

2024 m. kovo 4 d.

Labai gera programa
Šarūnas Maurušaitis

2024 m. kovo 4 d.

Patiko, parodo gramatines klaidas ir ne tik :)
Ieva Ravinskaitė

2024 m. vasario 27 d.

Visada kai reikia pasitikrinti savo darbus, renkuosi Plag (:
Miglė Vilutytė

2024 m. vasario 27 d.

Sistema labai naudinga. Patiko!
Vakarė Skeirytė

2024 m. vasario 26 d.

Puiki svetainė :)
Eglė Dap

2024 m. vasario 21 d.

Greitai ir efektyviai, patikrino darbą.
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